Where the hell is my godamned pause button

Where the hell is my damned pause button?

Dark Souls 2 you know I love you baby but why the damned hell can’t I pause? Even if there’s no one in my game?

I know why – artistic choice. You don’t want me to pause. You created such a perfect realization of your imagination that me being able to press the damned start button is a pedestrian sin against beauty itself.

Well Goodman hell I got shit going on in my life I file 1040s dude I gotta pause let’s say my dog starts eating my couch what the hell am I supposed to let her eat the fucking couch or fail a boss fight because my couch is being eaten? IS THAT PART OF YOUR GAME DESIGN DUDE!? Let me godamn pause.

Okay now Alien: Isolation, yeah, letting me pause. I love you baby. I love you dogg. You’re my game of the year, Alien: Isolation, even if you’re critically misunderstood. Them critics don’t know nothing, baby, nothing. Zesty Aroma official game of the year is Alien: Isolation, and I can make that call because I’m in charge of all operations culinary and video game.

Look and I aint forgot about you Destiny. I can pause in Diablo, all you are is a reskinned Diablo and you don’t let me pause. I got bills to pay dude what the hell. Like if someone comes blown’ my door down with a shotgun I gotta inform them that I can’t pause even if EVEN IF I’M PLAYING BY MYSELF I can pause Diablo dude you know I can!

Not letting my pause in your game is pretentious and condescending. You’re assuming I have no distractions that may or might come up what so ever. Look I understand why Counter-Strike doesn’t let me pause but Dark Souls isn’t Counter Strike.

Alien: Isolation. Game of the year.

Keep on Chooglin’

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